Deleting Fast and Safe in ServiceNow

One of my first articles, Deleting Fast in ServiceNow, is my most popular and controversial, and for good reason. This is the last of my series on following up on my most popular articles, at least for now!

In summary of my prior article, I evaluated different delete options in ServiceNow to evaluate which was the fastest to delete records of the APIs available. I found that GlideRecord deleteMultiple running from a workflow had the best execution time overall.

The Controversy

I slammed the GlideRecord deleteRecord method pretty hard, since it was over 1,000 times slower, but I didn’t really unpack the need to sometimes not fire business rules, notifications, and workflows while deleting. The deleteMultiple option does trigger business rules by default, and all the above, however, the method setWorkflow(false) does actually work with deleteMultiple as well!

That being said, it’s typically safer to disable any OnDelete notifications, business rules and then run deleteMultiple. You may also want to consider turning off audit delete as well beforehand, otherwise you’ll have to clean up the audit table records with deleteMultiple again (unless you want the safety net).

The method deleteRecord still has it’s place when you want to delete a single, or less than a handful of records, and in some ways it can be a bit safer since it is slower to delete.

Best Practice

Before doing any mass deleting, I would strongly recommend to read ServiceNow’s KB0717791 on Mass Deletion recommendations. There is also a good resource, called Safety Tips for writing Background Scripts, which covers a lot of the common mistakes people make while doing things like deleting. If you are deleting medium to small datasets, it actually isn’t a bad idea to run it as a background script, since a rollback context is generated, which allows you to restore the data.

Exploring More

As promised I looked into some additional factors that could have a play with deleting. Namely Auditing, big fields with data, and a baseline deletion for reference.

delete speed by data type with data series of large, audit and baseline

A comparison that shows delete speed by different types of records.

Auditing Impact

For testing auditing, I had 3 small string fields similar to the baseline and just enabled table level auditing. Unsuspectingly, turning on auditing on a table drastically reduces the delete operation speed, as it has to check cascade reference rules, back up a copy of the record onto the audit table, etc. It’s almost surprising though how this impact is very linear. The deletion time is increased .03s per record processed. Goes back to show how important it is to minimize auditing unless it is absolutely necessary.

Big Fields Impact

For testing big fields, I added 3 large 4000 character limit string fields, and populated them with random data. The impact is noticeable, taking 150s longer to delete 200k records than the baseline, but overall, the linear rate increase is .0008s per record processed. From my research, this seems to boil down to the buffer pool size, which the data is cached in case of an undo while it is being deleted.

Baseline Comparison

My baseline table only had 3 small string fields, with no auditing. It took <1s to delete 10k records, and less than 10s to delete 200k records - which leaves the base speed for record deletes to happen around 1 record every 0.00005s. Mind blazingly fast! So if you want to reduce delete speed, it has more to do with the data size and options (auditing) than the count.

Advanced Deleting - Time Slice Method

Wanted to throw in a strong mention about how some tables in ServiceNow, namely sys_audit which are notorious for being large and sharded have to be handled special when it comes to deleting (and other DB operations). There is a known technique where you would step day by day, and sometimes hour by hour to delete all the records within that timeframe. This method takes advantage if the data is indexed by time/created on, and sharded/broken up by time. This way you are strategically retrieving and accessing data in sequence, and removing it surgically. I could probably write a full article on the algorithm - feel free to comment if interested!

Parting thoughts

It’s good to be curious, and see how far we can push the needle. I wanted to leave with the fact that there are even more aspects to explore.

  • Indexing - Typically after data is deleted, the indexing data is not automatically re-processed. This sometimes can lead to the index portion being bigger than the actual table.

  • Table growth monitoring is a good practice. There is a self service catalog item in ServiceNow Support site to pull the top 20 or more tables on your instance. This is a good thing to check regularly. There is also a technology ServiceNow might be releasing more widespread in the future called Instance Observer which has some capabilities for table growth monitoring.

  • MariaDB explains the complexities of big deletes on this KB page, While I think this is really good info, a lot of it does boil down to what options and decisions ServiceNow made in terms of their database configuration, to really let you optimize deletes to the max. Some answers we may never know (unless you work for ServiceNow).

Top 6 Wish List Features for ServiceNow Administrators

We can’t help but always want more! Here are my personal thoughts on 6 features that would round out the product and make ServiceNow’s administrator’s day to day life so much easier.

  1. Restart a node

    I couldn’t count the number of times when some rogue Performance Analytic job got hung, and an entire node got hung. You have to reach out to HI, have them verify, and then they have to initiate the bounce. It’s 2021, and we don’t have the option to turn it off and back on in ServiceNow.

  2. Trace a transaction, log, error, etc

    Something that an absolute pain in ServiceNow is figuring out something about a server side transaction, a log or anything, and trying to trace it down to what might be the root cause. You have to have multiple tabs open, recording timestamps, session ids, user ids, etc., to find anything at all. I would kill for some call stack type of technology, or better debugging tools.

  3. Enhanced Self Monitoring

    ServiceNow actually has a self monitoring capability for Event Management, so it can manage itself. It would be great to take the step even further and build in self monitoring for nodes, database, event queue, email queue, or literally anything else besides just Event Management and MID servers resource alerts. I know some things are in the pipeline, but I just wish this formally gets expanded upon. So much potential.

  4. AI DB Index Enhancer

    ServiceNow has some little tools to suggest database indexes, but wouldn’t it be great if it was smarter? Or you could set it up with some rules to automatically make suggested index tweaks on the fly? Some automation and algorithm to use indexes better could make a mediocre instance an amazing instance.

  5. Workspace with quick actions dashboard for SysAdmins

    Workspaces are beginning to be all the rage, and they are great for so many different user personas. One such user persona is a ServiceNow admin. It would be awesome if there was a workspace that delivered to them their days work right in a single interface with powerful buttons and actions to manage that world. Simplify so many clicks. I know there are some good community dashboards and tools out there for sysadmins, so I hope this is just a matter of time!

  6. Release Automation

    ServiceNow has been iterating on CI/CD for a number of releases now, but we still don’t have any automated capabilities for update sets, the backbone of ServiceNow instances for over a decade. I also hope they build some interfaces and flows for customers that want to use those CI/CD spoke actions, so they can get going fast.

Faster API than GlideRecord?

What if I told you there was an even more optimized way too get data from a ServiceNow table on the server side besides GlideRecord?

This idea stemmed from my research on how the Table REST API allows you to just select certain fields from the table, and that optimizing your query significantly.

There is a similar trick using GlideAggregate, and just adding each field individually, like you would for counting. Props to Tony DiRienzo for posting this on the Community.

var ga = new GlideAggregate('sys_user'); ga.groupBy('user_name'); ga.groupBy('sys_id'); // This makes sure we get all records, even if there are duplicates ga.query(); while ( { // Do what you need to with the user_name field var userName = ga.getValue('user_name'); }

In many cases this type of query runs up to 5 times faster, and works better for fewer variables. To expand it, all you need to do is add another groupBy() for each field you need included.

Only caveat here is that you lose the performance gain if you dot-walk in the results.

This is just another great tool to add to a developers toolkit to build ServiceNow applications.

Deleting Fast in ServiceNow

Another post dedicated to the die hard ServiceNow developers. Have you ever wondered how fast (or slow) the deletion methods that ServiceNow employs are? I’m talking about GlideRecord deleteRecord, GlideRecord deleteMultiple and GlideMultipleDelete execute (undocumented). Today we’re going to rank all the methods, and put some numbers behind the mystery.

It’s no surprise that deleteRecord does the worst due to the looping overhead. It’s surprising that deleteMultiple comes out on top of execute by a small margin of 74ms.

It’s no surprise that deleteRecord does the worst due to the looping overhead. It’s surprising that deleteMultiple comes out on top of execute by a small margin of 74ms.

Due to personal experience, I’ve noticed that some sources are prioritized in terms of deletes, so again here are numbers but with different sources overlaid on them. I ran tests with 1k, 10k, 50k, 100k, and 200k to get a fair representation.

This is the summation of about 350k record deletes, and what method handled the varied delete batches.

This is the summation of about 350k record deletes, and what method handled the varied delete batches.

In my personal experience again, I had a gut feeling that the workflow activities are somehow optimized for a slightly less deletion overhead - and script actions as being relatively slow.

Delete Multiple - The fastest method by order of magnitude of 10

GlideMultipleDelete execute - The second fastest method (10x slower than DeleteMutiple, but very fast)

Delete Record - There is absolutely never a good reason to use the method ever. It’s 1,270x slower than Delete Multiple. Unless you just want to waste everyone’s time. We’re talking 1s versus 24min difference for 200k deletes.

Note: The numbers shown were all run on a personal developer instance with no other processes running. Additionally I was running these delete methods with basically no filters. Filters will extremely slow down your deletion rate as well as how big the table is you’re operating on. Your numbers could vary based on node count, jobs running, active users, and the database server load and capacity as well. They could also vary depending on what else is running in your system (ie if your event log is overflowing, script actions will be slower).

Want to validate my results? Here is some sample code you can adapt.

    deleteUsingGRDelete : function(){
        var grTestData = new GlideRecord(this.tbl);
        this.endTimer('GlideRecord deleteRecord');
    deleteUsingGRDeleteMultiple : function(){
        var grTestData = new GlideRecord(this.tbl);
        this.endTimer('GlideRecord deleteMultiple');
    deleteUsingGlideMultiple : function(){
         var md = new GlideMultipleDelete(this.tbl);
        this.endTimer('GlideMultipleDelete execute');
    startTimer : function(){
        this.start = new Date().getTime();
    endTimer : function(test_name){
        var end = new Date().getTime();
        var dur = end - this.start;
        gs.log('Test '+this.size+' '+ test_name + ': '+ dur,this.type);
        var grResults = new GlideRecord('u_deletetesterresults');
        grResults.u_record_count = this.size;
        grResults.u_test_name = test_name;
        grResults.u_source = this.source;
        grResults.u_execution_ms = dur;

Further areas of research to consider… If there is enough interest I may do a follow up post.

  • Historically ServiceNow has recommended the Table Cleaner (sys_auto_flush) for mass deletions. The deletion times on that could be slightly more optimized.

  • Audited & Update sync table deletions could be much slower and heavier. It would be interesting to see the measured impact to deletions by adding these options.

  • Number of columns and column types on the table. I did mine with the base system fields as well as a string description field with size 80. If you added 2 string fields with size 4k, would it make a measurable impact to deletions? Also does null data delete faster vs filled columns or is it treated the same?

One final thought… The most optimal I measured for large data deletions was about 152 deletes/ms, or about 152,000 deletes/s on my ‘clean’ instance and simple table without filters. I would recommend running some deletion baselines in your instance to see what you can expect out of performance.