Day 3: DDIS Require file extensions restriction

Scan Check Type: Table Check [sys_properties]

As part of instance hardening, ServiceNow recommends to set the property glide.attachment.extensions to restrict available attachment types.

This scan was developed using a table check with condition to identify the specific property and check it’s value. Since this property exists OOB, it doesn’t do a negative check to verify it doesn’t exist also. This scan check is also found within ServiceNow’s Health Scan product. It is also linked in the ServiceNow Docs site as best practice,

Download and import the XML to check it out in your instance! At the end of the month I will be bundling all the checks together.

Day 3 scan_table_check_49a99a882f4f15107caa93acf699b673.xml

Day 2: DDIS - Enable update on iterate

Scan Check Type: Table Check [sys_properties]

ServiceNow has different ways to navigate within the instances. One of these ways to move from record to record is to use the arrows that appear in each individual record header.

However, this navigation can be more complex and less fluid if the system property glide.ui.update_on_iterate is set to FALSE. With this property disabled, changes made to the record are not automatically saved when moving to the next record, forcing an user action.

This scan was developed using a table check with condition to identify the specific property and check it’s value. Since this property exists OOB, it doesn’t do a negative check to verify it doesn’t exist also. This scan check is also found within QualityClouds’ product.

Download and import the XML to check it out in your instance! At the end of the month I will be bundling all the checks together.

Day 2 scan_table_check_2f7fbec32fb651107caa93acf699b6c7.xml

Day 1: December Daily Instance Scan - Duplicate Update Sets


I am starting a little passion project for custom Instance Scan Checks and will be releasing 1 scan check/day for this month of December! We’ll shorten this December Daily Instance Scan project name to “DDIS” for future posts.

If you aren’t familiar with Instance Scan, it is a feature that ServiceNow released in the Quebec release (Jan 2021), as a capability to run best practice scans on the instance. There are many check rules provided out of the box, primarily around Security checks (Instance Security Center), as well as Instance Troubleshooter (an add on tool provided by ServiceNow).


Back in early 2019, I created an innovation project for Automated Code Review (internally titled Check Yo Self), where I basically wrote a version of what Instance Scan does today as a custom application in ServiceNow. I also demoed a rudimentary version of this project during K19 CreatorCon. Was very much ahead of it’s time, and I’m glad to see it’s taken off as a proper solution at ServiceNow.

The Gap

Basically where Instance Scan falls short is that there are not many checks defined OOB for it to be very useful. There is a community project where people have contributed 69 different checks, but compared to tools like ServiceNow’s Health Scan or QualityClouds, it still comes short by a large margin. I’d like to write a number of checks (hopefully at least 31) to help bridge that gap a little better.

Day 1 - Duplicate Update Set Names

Scan Check Type: Table Check [sys_update_set] w/Advanced

Duplicate update set names cause confusion and add risk of manual errors by picking the wrong one.

This scan was developed using a table check with advanced condition to identify duplicate items using the GlideAggregate. This scan check is also found within ServiceNow’s Health Scan product.

Download and import the XML to check it out in your instance! At the end of the month I will be bundling all the checks together.

Day 1 scan_table_check_0361a6c72f3651107caa93acf699b6d1.xml

ServiceNow Group Best Practices

Groups in ServiceNow are a container (many lovingly call a bucket) for users that have similar purposes or functions. It’s really easy to go astray with groups, and there isn’t much guidance on how to best use them and govern them (besides some honorable mentions).

Table Structure

Just a quick refresher, a Group is a record/row in the sys_user_group table. This table has a couple notable columns, including:

Manager - Should be MANDATORY, every group should have an active manager that is responsible for keeping the group up to date, in terms of purpose, members, description, etc. They should be responsible for quarterly reviewing the group. Note: Many organizations also add a custom field for manager delegates to specify additional users, or they use the OOB delegates feature in ServiceNow.

Group Email - Should be OPTIONAL and sparingly used, depending on it’s purpose some groups should never should receive any email. Also some areas abuse this field and put a dummy email address and are none the wiser.

Parent - Should NEVER BE USED, most modern day implementations, it is best to not leverage parent groups, especially for the purposes of granting roles, reporting hierarchy (use department/business unit/cost center), or “rollup”. Just hide the field and wipe your hands clean.

Description - Should be MANDATORY, every group should have a clear concise description saying what the group is for, and in a certain repeatable format. Typically it should be several sentences to fully describe the audience, usage and related process area.

Source - Should be OPTIONAL, if you use LDAP integration, this field is populated automatically. Otherwise you may choose to populate it with something, but most people choose to leave it as is otherwise. Blank for manually managed groups, and filled in for LDAP/other source.

Group Type - Should be MANDATORY, every group should have one or more group types that help categorize what process areas/purposes the group is used for. This is arguably one of the most critical fields, so you can properly filter down to relevant groups on different forms.

Notable Mentions: Hourly Rate (may be important to populate for chargeback/routing decision trees), Default Assignee (usually not used in the wild… but maybe in small organizations), Exclude Manager/Include Members (usually left as default), Points field (if you are using gamification on communities)

Best Practice Guidelines

1) Separate Process and Security Groups. As a general rule of thumb you should separate the way you grant a role, and the group you use for Catalog Tasks or Incidents. In small organizations this can make sense temporarily, but as you scale, the management of roles almost always is handled by a separate group and has separate criteria for acceptance (training, department, etc.).

2) Define and govern Group Types. As mentioned above it is critical to define a list of group types and have central control over any changes to the list. The related reference fields that point to group should all have a reference qualifier based on the type, so only the proper groups are selected. Also most of the OOB group types aren’t very good… Here is an example of groups types:

  1. security - used for groups that grant roles

  2. catalog - used for catalog request fulfillment

  3. incident - used for groups that can be assigned and work incidents

  4. problem - used for groups that can be assigned and work problems

  5. change - used for groups that can be assigned and work change requests

  6. vulnerability - used for groups that can be assigned and work vulnerable items

  7. knowledge - used for groups that can be assigned and responsible for knowledge articles

  8. approval - used for groups that are used for the primary purpose of group approvals (like a Platform governance group!)

3) Avoid Duplicate Groups. Minimize any potential for creating multiple groups that grant the same roles, and have the same purpose. Every time a new group is created, the current list should be consulted to make sure nothing else fits the need.

4) Groups should not mimic Department structures. Probably one of the easiest traps people fall under is thinking that groups somehow align to departments. Work doesn’t happen in silos, work is collaborative - therefore groups should be collaborative and cross functional. ServiceNow already has a department table structure for that purpose.

5) Don’t Hardcode groups. Besides the cloning aspect, in general it’s still not a good practice to hard code groups into things like UI actions, ACLs, and yes even flows. For security, you should be coding in Roles, and for routing, you should leverage assignment rules or a reference field on a table. The one rare exception where it may make sense to put in groups is within a User Criteria record, but even then, you still have the option to use roles.

6) Use Management Catalog Item. For handling all group related actions, new groups, adding members, updating fields, retiring, should all be handled through a catalog item with the proper approvals built in. There should be built in steps on the create group to check existing groups, and vet the business case. Then on the retirement request, it is important to check related data elements, like where groups “could” have been hardcoded, and make sure data elements like knowledge articles and incidents are moved under a new group.

7. Have a Group Management Dashboard. This is the cherry on top that brings the process full circle. Set up different reports and metrics to see how your groups are being used and if all the correct fields are being populated. Example: Set up a report for catalog groups, and make a list of how many haven’t been used in 6 months. Another example, set up a report for any groups without an active manager. Have an admin check this dashboard once a week/month and take any corrective actions.

Interested in what other best practices people have for managing ServiceNow groups, feel free to comment below!

New Instance Checklist

There is often a tremendous gap in the planning and implementation of a new ServiceNow instance. Whether you are setting up the first instance for your organization or the seventh, this is a helpful guide to make sure you check all the boxes.

Provisioning - How do you get a new instance?

  1. New ServiceNow instances are generally bought through a contract/purchase order, and are denoted as being a production or sub-production instance. Also the instance availability SLA and sizing (at least initially) are determined at this step. If the instance is a net new instance, once provisioned the denoted administrator on the account will receive the account password.

  2. New instances could also be zBooted (aka wiped) ServiceNow instances, which are reverted back to OOB. To request a zBoot, you submit an automated form on ServiceNow Support (HI) site. It is strongly recommended to zBoot with Demo data enabled. You can always submit a request to remove the demo data at a later time. To zBoot a new production instance, a HI case is required as it is a manual request. As part of the zBoot completion the denoted administrator on the account will receive the account password.

  3. Change Default Login Credentials - Sounds obvious, but so many people skip this step. The password should be changed to a new lengthy complex password, and store this in your companies secure credential vault. Either a software vault or physical vault for a rainy day.


  1. Instance Naming - A short thoughtful name should be defined and should represent the purpose of the Instance. ServiceNow best practice is not name instances exactly as the company name. Once a name has been selected and accepted, one of the HI Account Admins for should submit an Instance Rename request. Be aware that changing an instance name can break the SSO configuration, MID Servers, and REST consumers, and email of that instance. There are also a number of rules around instance names, review KB0550841 for more info.

  2. Process Usage - Define and document what use cases this environment will solve. Is is a production, qa, test, dev, sandbox, lab, poc, etc? What are the rules around moving code? Who is allowed to have admin in this environment? Who is going to support the environment? You need to have all these questions answered and be able to clearly describe the scope of use.

  3. Cloning - This may not immediately apply, but if you plan to clone from an existing instance onto this new instance, it speeds up a ton of configuration steps. Define if this environment will be a clone source or target or never touched by a clone. Also consider what the cadence for the clone should be (quarterly, twice yearly, etc).

  4. Firewall/Network Whitelisting - To even access your instance, your IT team needs to whitelist it the instance name, or the entire * domain. It’s also strongly advised that you do the reverse, and whitelist your network from ServiceNow via the IP Address Access Control.

  5. Authentication Approach (SSO, MFA, Local Login, etc) - Decide how users are going to authenticate, and if you are going to allow more than one option. Many organizations I have seen stick primarily to using SSO as it provides the best user experience. You likely will have to coordinate with your infosec team to set this up properly.

  6. Branding - Based on the name and usage, you may want to consider to set the browser title property and the banner header property to denote the instance. For UI16 you may also want to set a different default theme so users can clearly distinguish (hopefully next experience UI comes out with more themes soon).

  7. Development Group - Define what your admin group and developer group is going to be, and setup those accesses. Setting up a new instance doesn’t have to be a solo gig!

  8. Remote Sources - As part of your process, define what instance you are going to allow code movement from. Example for a QA instance you may only allow update sets from Test and Dev.

  9. MID Server - As part of this new instance, you need to decide if you need MID servers for what your use cases are. Do you need to support integrationhub, discovery, orchestration? Also determine the specs and how many. For subprod environments like Test, Sandbox, you may only need a couple MID servers, and in some cases just a single server will do.

  10. LDAP? - I added a question mark because depending on the authentication approach you may not authenticate/load users from Active Directory. Many companies use Active Directory, and then consume Active Directory data into ServiceNow to load the users.

  11. User Setup - Besides LDAP, you might consider doing an initial load of users manually via XML from another instance, using an excel spreadsheet with a transform map, or set them up manually. It really all depends the usage strategy. It is also strongly advised you set up some local system accounts, such as admin, integration users, mid server users, backup admin account, etc.

  12. Email Configuration - OOB ServiceNow comes configured with their own email server capabilities. You can use and enable theirs, and verify it passes through to your network with a whitelist, or hook it up to your own email server. There is an email diagnostics page you can check for the current status.

  13. Install Plugins - Regardless what use cases you defined, chances are high you are going to need to install a list of plugins and apps from the store. To pull a list of plugins from the instance you can reference sys_plugins.list and sys_scope.list. Some plugins require manual requests through ServiceNow Support such as Application Insights has to be manually requested.

  14. Security Center Checklist, Instance Scan and Health Scan - Wrapping it all up, you should step through ServiceNow’s Instance Security Center capability, and lock down the properties in your instance as best you can. ServiceNow also provides a suite of Instance Scan checks you can run as part of that. Additionally ServiceNow has a more detailed paid service, called Health Scan, and that can show many more additional findings related to security.

Final Remarks

Setting up a new instance can be a hassle, and also be a multi-month process to get all the capabilities spun up. At the end though, it’s very rewarding knowing all the interworkings of the instance.

Deleting Fast and Safe in ServiceNow

One of my first articles, Deleting Fast in ServiceNow, is my most popular and controversial, and for good reason. This is the last of my series on following up on my most popular articles, at least for now!

In summary of my prior article, I evaluated different delete options in ServiceNow to evaluate which was the fastest to delete records of the APIs available. I found that GlideRecord deleteMultiple running from a workflow had the best execution time overall.

The Controversy

I slammed the GlideRecord deleteRecord method pretty hard, since it was over 1,000 times slower, but I didn’t really unpack the need to sometimes not fire business rules, notifications, and workflows while deleting. The deleteMultiple option does trigger business rules by default, and all the above, however, the method setWorkflow(false) does actually work with deleteMultiple as well!

That being said, it’s typically safer to disable any OnDelete notifications, business rules and then run deleteMultiple. You may also want to consider turning off audit delete as well beforehand, otherwise you’ll have to clean up the audit table records with deleteMultiple again (unless you want the safety net).

The method deleteRecord still has it’s place when you want to delete a single, or less than a handful of records, and in some ways it can be a bit safer since it is slower to delete.

Best Practice

Before doing any mass deleting, I would strongly recommend to read ServiceNow’s KB0717791 on Mass Deletion recommendations. There is also a good resource, called Safety Tips for writing Background Scripts, which covers a lot of the common mistakes people make while doing things like deleting. If you are deleting medium to small datasets, it actually isn’t a bad idea to run it as a background script, since a rollback context is generated, which allows you to restore the data.

Exploring More

As promised I looked into some additional factors that could have a play with deleting. Namely Auditing, big fields with data, and a baseline deletion for reference.

delete speed by data type with data series of large, audit and baseline

A comparison that shows delete speed by different types of records.

Auditing Impact

For testing auditing, I had 3 small string fields similar to the baseline and just enabled table level auditing. Unsuspectingly, turning on auditing on a table drastically reduces the delete operation speed, as it has to check cascade reference rules, back up a copy of the record onto the audit table, etc. It’s almost surprising though how this impact is very linear. The deletion time is increased .03s per record processed. Goes back to show how important it is to minimize auditing unless it is absolutely necessary.

Big Fields Impact

For testing big fields, I added 3 large 4000 character limit string fields, and populated them with random data. The impact is noticeable, taking 150s longer to delete 200k records than the baseline, but overall, the linear rate increase is .0008s per record processed. From my research, this seems to boil down to the buffer pool size, which the data is cached in case of an undo while it is being deleted.

Baseline Comparison

My baseline table only had 3 small string fields, with no auditing. It took <1s to delete 10k records, and less than 10s to delete 200k records - which leaves the base speed for record deletes to happen around 1 record every 0.00005s. Mind blazingly fast! So if you want to reduce delete speed, it has more to do with the data size and options (auditing) than the count.

Advanced Deleting - Time Slice Method

Wanted to throw in a strong mention about how some tables in ServiceNow, namely sys_audit which are notorious for being large and sharded have to be handled special when it comes to deleting (and other DB operations). There is a known technique where you would step day by day, and sometimes hour by hour to delete all the records within that timeframe. This method takes advantage if the data is indexed by time/created on, and sharded/broken up by time. This way you are strategically retrieving and accessing data in sequence, and removing it surgically. I could probably write a full article on the algorithm - feel free to comment if interested!

Parting thoughts

It’s good to be curious, and see how far we can push the needle. I wanted to leave with the fact that there are even more aspects to explore.

  • Indexing - Typically after data is deleted, the indexing data is not automatically re-processed. This sometimes can lead to the index portion being bigger than the actual table.

  • Table growth monitoring is a good practice. There is a self service catalog item in ServiceNow Support site to pull the top 20 or more tables on your instance. This is a good thing to check regularly. There is also a technology ServiceNow might be releasing more widespread in the future called Instance Observer which has some capabilities for table growth monitoring.

  • MariaDB explains the complexities of big deletes on this KB page, While I think this is really good info, a lot of it does boil down to what options and decisions ServiceNow made in terms of their database configuration, to really let you optimize deletes to the max. Some answers we may never know (unless you work for ServiceNow).

Design Guidelines in ServiceNow

When developing in ServiceNow, I think there are some unspoken rules about the design that it would be best if everyone followed, so there is a more consistent user experience.

Disclaimer: I definitely am not a UI Designer, but I like to dabble!

#1 Sentence case Column labels

If you look hard enough, you’ll notice a majority of all the columns out of the box use sentence case instead of title case for the labels. What I mean is that it is always “Assignment group” and not “Assignment Group”. Besides being consistent, it’s been proven that Sentence casing is overall easier to read and comprehend at a glance.

#2 Keep UI Action Names Short

Besides it being an official bad practice, it’s just a terrible user experience to see a long button name taking up room in the header bar, elongating the context menu, or looking like a paragraph in the related links. It’s best to keep these “action” names as short and brief as possible. And if they are long, and there is no way to shorten it (Ex: Create Emergency Change), then just keep it as a context menu or related link. In general it’s best to keep UI action names under 20 characters, and 3 words or less.

#3 Form Etiquette

Record forms are where users spend a lot of their time in the system, it’s important to think through them a bit more critically. Some basic rules are:

  • The same field shouldn’t be on a form twice

  • There shouldn’t be more than 40 fields on a form, the more fields you add, the worse performance gets, and overcrowds the user.

  • Use form sections to organize similar variables, and for large string fields ensure they span the full length.

  • Use tooltips as much as you can, and also for more guidance use form annotations sparingly to guide users on how to fill out the record.

  • Minimize the number of options in a choice field.

#4 Native Font

ServiceNow uses the Lato font across the platform and portal interfaces. It’s best when developing any UI elements to stick to this same font type.

#5 Next Experience Theming

Since San Diego family release version, ServiceNow has shifted their design language to use a subtle purple (31304D) and space themed elements like astronauts. When developing custom UIs into the future, it would be wise to incorporate similar design illustration components.

Introduction: What is a PDI?

This article is for all those new to ServiceNow, just getting their feet wet into the platform! (And for you experts, I’ll have a section at the bottom for you too!)

You may have heard the acronym, PDI, which stands for Personal Developer Instance. It’s almost kind of like one of those small personal pizzas! These are small instances you can request using a ServiceNow Developer account. These are one of the best tools to use, so you can get hands on, live experience in a ServiceNow instance, without worrying about impacting a company instance.

To get a PDI, it’s pretty straightforward.

  1. Navigate to and create a new account

  2. Click the button to Request an Instance

  3. Pick the version you want (you may consider the same version your company is using, or the newest available)

  4. Wait for the provisioning to occur (usually is pretty fast under 5min)

  5. Click the “Open Instance” button to be directed to the instance

  6. You’ll be automatically logged in as an admin user to your own personal instance!

See ServiceNow’s PDI Guide to learn more!

Things to be aware of

  • 10 Day Inactivity Period and TOS - To be able to provide these instances, ServiceNow had to restrict their capabilities, so that they could be released when not in use, and could be put in hibernation. There are jobs that check usage like clicks/activity. Tampering with these jobs and keeping your instance alive is against their terms of service.

  • PDIs have limited system resources - These instances are extremely small, single node instances, low CPU, RAM, DB capabilities. Really just don’t expect too much, and they are not intended to be used by multiple users at the same time.

  • PDIs have a unique instance naming scheme - They will also look like “”. Technically you could wrap a proxy to make it look like a different URL, but the instance URL is unique to PDIs.

  • Don’t expect a high level of support for PDIs, it’s a free offering from ServiceNow, so it’s mostly understood that it’s a “YOU” problem for better or for worse.

  • PDIs don’t have access to the application repository, any apps you want to publish, you will need to save off and publish as an update set.

  • PDI Data centers - You don’t get a PDI based on your location, you just get one. This could also have some impacts on latency. You can always check the datacenter code from the node name under

PDI Best Practices

  • Backup everything. Use github or export your XMLs after every development session at the end. Just think of it like saving your work. PDIs can be very unreliable, and you could quickly lose your work if you miss the inactivity window, the restore fails, or your instance gets killed by some back luck.

  • Don’t put any company/sensitive data in a PDI. While they should be safe, protect yourself out there!

  • Try out your code in a PDI first - if it goes rogue in a PDI, it is pretty easy to just release the instance if something goes terribly wrong and start over.

Advanced PDIs

If you’ve spent much time in PDIs, you might start to consider how you can automate all the setup steps and get back up and running fast.

Props to Mark Roethof, he has written a series of articles about the scripts and things you can write to automate loading PDI settings.

Here are list of things you could automate on your PDI:

  • Installing Plugins

  • Setting user settings (favorites, timezone, date/time format)

  • Applying your favorite utilities via a batch update set

  • System config like MID server, email config, or more!

I’m so thankful for PDIs, that enable learning, hobby development, and as a proof of concept instance, and more!

4 Ways to Publish a ServiceNow Application

Did you know there is more than one way to publish a scoped application? There are at least 4 methods that I know of, so let’s unpack them!

As a quick re-cap, scoped applications are ways to bundle configurations to ServiceNow, into a protected application scope. They can then be deployed to other instances outside of the one they are developed in via a Publish to create a new version and then a deploy.

#1 Native Studio UI

The most common way that everyone does it - through the native UI in studio.

#2 Using a Script

The undocumented mechanism to install a scoped app would be through a script.

publish: function(appID,version,devNotes){
	var trackerID;
	try { //run install command
		var progress_name = "Upload to the App Repository";
		var worker = new GlideScriptedHierarchicalWorker();
		var g_req = new GlobalRequest();
		g_req.setPreference('sysparm_username', gs.getUserName());
		g_req.setPreference('sysparm_password', '');
		g_req.setPreference('sysparm_publish_to_store', 'false');
		g_req.setPreference('sysparm_target_upload_URL', '');
		trackerID = worker.getProgressID();
	} catch (err) {
		gs.error("Encountered error installing scoped app " + appID + ".\nError: " + err.message, this.type);
	return trackerID;
var GlobalRequest = Class.create();
GlobalRequest.prototype = {
    initialize: function() {
		this.parms = {};
	setPreference: function(key, value){
		this.parms[key] = value;
	getParameter: function(key){
		return this.parms[key];
    type: 'GlobalRequest'

#3 Update Sets

While it is officially documented, I feel like many people don’t know about this feature. You can publish a scoped app to an update set, which captures all the changes. Also a key benefit to using this method is that whichever instance you install the update set into, you can then open the app up in studio there.

#4 Using the CI/CD Spoke / API

For several releases now, ServiceNow offers a spoke and API for being able to publish an application.
Spoke Actions

  • Publish Application With ID

  • Publish Application With Scope

API: POST /sn_cicd/app_repo/publish

Publishes the specified application and all of its artifacts to the application repository.

MID Server Administration in 2022

My second most popular blog article since founding this blog was “Best Practices: MID Server Administration”, and while I think it has aged well, things are ever changing. I won’t be rehashing everything again, just where I think some updates are needed!

  1. Basics

    a. Sizing / Server Specs

    MID Servers have gotten more resource intensive over recent years, some newer applications (ACC, CPG, EM) are being recommended to add more CPU (now up to 8 core), and more memory (8gb normal, 16 on the high end). I’ve also seen some Discovery Patterns like Kubernetes chug with 4 core CPU and 6 GB dedicated wrapper memory - but it’s very dependent on the scale of discovery. I would recommend a base load out in Production with 8 Core CPU, 12 GB RAM, 60GB Disk, and updating the MID Server config to leverage more than 25 threads, and 6GB or more of usable RAM. You might be able to get away with less for Orchestration, and you’ll need more for specialized cases like ACC.

    b. Multiple Services on a Single Server

    It’s possible to install the MID Server and run it multiple times on the same physical/virtual server. For sub productions this is an amazing way to scale to add additional MID Server services, while maximizing Server resources. I think the practice makes a lot of sense in certain situations, but there are some key limitations. MID Servers can interfere with each other and cause resource spikes, they will compete for network bandwidth directly, and they can make issues harder to debug. I would stick to only using these in subprod, and regardless how beefed up the server is, I wouldn’t go any higher than 3 services running on the same box.

  2. Counts - How Many?

    a. MID Server Calculator / Discovery Estimator

    ServiceNow provides a worksheet to go through and calculate based on how many devices (servers, routers, switches, storage arrays, load balancers) you have, and how often you need the discovery data refreshed. If you have 10k servers, but only need them discovered weekly over the weekend, then you can get away with fewer MID servers. If you need them discovered daily, but can only discover them at night, to reduce system load, then you need a much higher number of MID servers. There are definitely companies out there that have over 100 production MID servers to handle such large amounts of infrastructure and time requirements.

    b. Redundancy

    Besides having enough MID servers to do the job, the next level of maturity is introducing redundancy measures. If most of your MID servers are in a single data center, and that goes down, you need a backup plan. There should be multiple redundant servers in different data centers and for different use cases like orchestration and discovery.

  3. Time Sliced Usage

    To make the most out of your MID server, it is important to think about spreading out the load, both across multiple MID servers, as well as spreading it out along the timeline. Most people are familiar configuring discovery schedules, but it is also important to think about this in the sense for other applications as well, to try and spread out the run times. You could for instance have another service running an integration load during the day, and a separate service on the same server running discoveries at night.

  4. MID Servers in Containers - The Future

    I would be amiss if I didn’t talk about the very obvious future of MID Servers in the ecosystem. More and more applications are moving towards containerized approaches, such as with a Docker image, and I would imagine MID server would move that way as well. A docker image can be set up with a specific operating system and configuration, and can be spun up and down with a click of a button. It would be a more cost effective approach to just use what you need, and it would be easier to quickly scale up and down devices. I hope ServiceNow invests in this technology in the future.

I hope MID Server administration practices become much more mainstream as time progresses!