Monitoring Series: Database Size Report

ServiceNow instance performance is a cause of concern and notice for any ServiceNow admin. To get ahead of the curve, it is a good idea to keep an eye on your instance database size.

Database size, the sum of all the tables and table index data stored in the instance database server. It’s easy to ask ServiceNow directly or fill out their self service form on the Support page, but even easier to just make a report and put in on a dashboard yourself!

Step by Step

  1. First go to Reports > Create New

  2. Set a name like “Current Database Size (MB)”, and select the table UA Instance Info [ua_instance_state].

  3. Select type as Speedometer (you can also do single score, but it’s nice to set ranges!)

  4. On the configure tab, select Aggregation as Sum and field as “Primary database size (MB)”

  5. On the style tab, you can set the direction as Minimize, and set reasonable ranges you think your database size should fall under.

  6. Finally, you can go and add it to a dashboard.

The finished result should look something like this:


This report is an excellent addition to any system administrator’s dashboard.