Day 10: DDIS - Unused Inactivity Monitors

Scan Check Type: Script Only Check

Inactivity Monitors which are not connected to any action consume system resources needlessly.

Either remove the unused inactivity monitor, or assign an action to it.

This scan was developed using a script only check with condition to identify any inactivity monitor record (sysrul_escalate_am) that does not have an associated script action or email action record configured. I credit the development of this check to Mark Roethof. Mark has contributed a number of checks to open source, but currently this one is only found on his community blog in picture format. This check is also found in QualityClouds product as well.

Download and import the XML to check it out in your instance! At the end of the month I will be bundling all the checks together.

Day 10 scan_script_only_check_0672a3662f2311107caa93acf699b606.xml