Day 30: DDIS - Workflows with Notification Activities

Scan Check Type: Script Only Check

The use of notification activities introduces unnecessary rigidity in your workflow management and maintenance. Notifications used within workflows cannot have templates, and subscriptions cannot be managed consistently.

De-couple workflows from notifications by raising events from your workflows, and triggering nofifications from these events.

This scan was developed using a script only check with condition to identify any workflow activity records with an definition as Notification, and related workflow version is active. This rule is inspired by a QualityClouds check, and is also very similar to the check “avoid workflows with too many activities”.

Download and import the XML to check it out in your instance! At the end of the month I will be bundling all the checks together.

Day 30 scan_script_only_check_1a8a63da2fc425107caa93acf699b6ab.xml