Day 22: DDIS - Unused Catalog Items

Scan Check Type: Script Only Check

The Service Catalog should be consistently maintained and checked for any items that are not being used. This provides a top notch user experience by removing any excess clutter in the Service Catalog.

Review the catalog item, consider combining it with another catalog item, or retiring it altogether if it is no longer needed.

This custom script only scan was developed to query the active catalog items, loop through them, and check for how many catalog items were submitted from each. If there were less than 5 requested item submissions for that catalog then it creates a finding for that record. This is a custom rule that I developed, that I am not aware of being defined in any other rulesets. Note: This rule will trigger off a number of the demo data catalog items that are generated by default in an instance.

Download and import the XML to check it out in your instance! At the end of the month I will be bundling all the checks together.

Day 22 scan_script_only_check_95dd90cd2f7711107caa93acf699b68b.xml