Day 20: DDIS - UI Policy Actions without field effects

Scan Check Type: Table Check [sys_ui_policy_action]

UI Policy Actions should contain at least a single action, such as mandatory, visible, read only, or clear the field value.

Update the UI Policy Action to have at least one action, or delete the record.

This scan was developed using a table check with condition to identify any UI Policy Action records with mandatory, visible, read only set to Leave alone, or Clear the field value is false. This rule is inspired by a QualityClouds check, but the core intention of the QC check is to check for conflicting mandatory and disabled/visible (since those should not be used at the same time). However there is already an existing Instance Troubleshooter check for that (Invalid UI policy configurations), so mine covers the other case for unconfigured records.

Download and import the XML to check it out in your instance! At the end of the month I will be bundling all the checks together.

Day 20 scan_table_check_b06910892f7711107caa93acf699b654.xml