Day 17: DDIS - Transform Maps with "Run business rules" option enabled

Scan Check Type: Table Check [sys_transform_map]

Enabling the execution of business rules in transform maps may cause the transform to take longer than expected, or cause the instance to slow down.

Unless you absolutely need business rules to run during the transform, un-check the Run business rules checkbox on the Table Transform Map when transforming large amounts of data. Typically any business rules can be re-written within a transform map script, and better optimized for mass uploads as well.

This scan was developed using a table check with condition to identify any transform map records with an run business rules is true. This check is inspired by a QualityClouds rule.

Download and import the XML to check it out in your instance! At the end of the month I will be bundling all the checks together.

Day 17 scan_table_check_d71458ec2fab11107caa93acf699b63a.xml