Day 4: DDIS - Reports with inactive users

Scan Check Type: Table Check [sys_report]

Over time users can leave the company, leaving behind reports in the system. These should be migrated to be owned by other users or retired/deleted.

Reports should be owned by an active user who is responsible for the maintenance of the report.

This scan was developed using a table check with condition to identify any report records with an inactive created by user. I don’t know that this rule is currently a part of any other sources, but it is very similar to the OOB Scheduled reports for inactive users check as part of the Instance Troubleshooter.

Download and import the XML to check it out in your instance! At the end of the month I will be bundling all the checks together.

Day 4 scan_table_check_e84bda4c2f4f15107caa93acf699b6f7.xml