Monitoring Series: Research into ServiceNow Performance Dashboard

Below are some of my ramblings, thoughts and research into the ‘servlet performance metrics’ dashboard from ServiceNow, and how this custom UI page homepage really works.

servlet performance.PNG

Observation #1 - The Front End is in the Perf Dashboard Plugin

This dashboard is part of the core system plugin, ‘Performance Dashboards’ (com.glide.performance_dashboards'), which is an extremely lightweight plugin for just housing the shell UI and a couple supporting scripts.

Observation #2 - The Library used is JRobin (Derived from RRDtool)

Within the scripts you can see data references to tables starting with jrobin, and those point to the JRobin Plugin (RRDS), which is just a Java implementation of the RRDtool system. They even kept the Robin Robin heritage by letting the table labels start with ‘Round Robin’. It’s worth noting that you can’t see any of these jrobin tables OOB, they are locked down to maint, I had to go into each individual read ACL, and add roles to be able to view it.


Observation #3 - ServiceNow uses an RRDTool Database to Store Monitoring data

This leads us to a another discovery, that all this data is being parsed from an Round Robin Database (RRD), and then there are supporting tables in ServiceNow which define the data refresh intervals (spoiler, they all refresh every 2min), and information about the Round Robin Archive. I found a good introduction to RRD here.

Observation #4 - ServiceNow Undocumented Monitoring APIs

While snooping around in the client side javascript, I found reference to the APIs which are called to provide the data. The sys_id’s needed to call these APIs are the in jrobin tables, and there is also other client side parameters.

p = "/api/now/v1/performance_dashboards/data_categories",
f = "/api/now/v1/performance_dashboards/graphs/overlays",
m = "/api/now/v1/performance_dashboards/graphs/category/<dataCategoryId>",
g = "/api/now/v1/performance_dashboards/graphs/<graphSysId>",
y = "/api/now/v1/performance_dashboards/events",
v = "/api/now/v1/performance_dashboards/nodes",
_ = "api/now/v1/performance_dashboards/suggestions"

Future Observations…

I would like to look more into the list of jrobin_graph_line’s and understand how the aggregator relates to the data source (jrobin_datasource).

I want to do some testing and see what format and parameters are needed to use those Performance Dashboards APIs.

I find it interesting how rrd4j appears to be the more widely adopted java port of RRDTool, vs jrobin. I could see ServiceNow eventually move to this, if they don’t discontinue or entirely re-structure their db monitoring backend. But ServiceNow has stuck with JRobin since 2006, so I find it doubtful it would change any time soon.